Monday 27 October 2008

Interesting Patients

#Patient 2
I was wandering in the ward with Siew Li to find a patient for Dr. S.P Chan's long case.
Then I found this talkative man.
To avoid clerking patient with history not worth discussing, we usually flipped through the diagnosis 1st(DISAPPROVED by all doctors actually). His diagnosis was unclear-->COPD? His presenting complaint was progressive worsening of shortness of breath.And he had history of smoking for many years...
After clerking him, I was intended to advise him to quit smoking.
"Pak Cik, jangan hisap rokok lagi ya...nanti kesihatan Pak Cik jadi teruk..."I said.
"Pak Cik sudah lama tak merokok.Pak Cik akan berhenti."He replied.
"Ok, BAGUS Pak Cik!"I said.
"Tapi...Pak Cik hisap benda lain lah..."Said Pak Cik mischievously.
"Oh...Pak Cik hisap apa?"Curiously, I asked.
"Hehe...Pak Cik hisap puting..."OMG. Interprete yourself.
"Haha...bagus untuk kesihatan.Pak cik lebih gembira macam itu?" I continued stupidly.
He nodded.We chortled.

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