Tuesday 11 January 2011

Happy birthday

Today is a beautiful day--->11.01.11.

Yeen, yours lagi special--->11.02.2011.It's a palindrome!
Ah Wan's lagi special--->11.11.11.
Teok's 01.11.11.
Kayryns' 11.10.11.
So many "1"s in our family...

How long I have to wait for this day??
A century long...even longer than waiting for a lover...
So, i wish myself, Happy birthday!
This year, i only have one wish.
And if only this wish can be granted to be true, I will be very very grateful.

It's simple: All of Us, pass the final MBBS!!!

Can I? Must do it.

1 comment:

y_y said...

Ya, must buy toto on that day, sure kena one.
This year might be our lucky year, heheh.